Friday, August 31, 2007

Princess of Hearts

She was a picture of exquisite beauty in all its glamor. Her smile captivated millions around the world, her innocent deep eyes made even the most cynical believe in beauty and love.
One can not look at her picture and be not enthralled.

Her life was a beautiful dream turned into a nightmare.
Her death in the most romantic city in the world was the worst tragic end to a fairytale life.

Princess Diana, there will never be one like you.

May you find God's mercy, peace and happiness.

p.s. Charles you are such a major ***

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My kind of toy !

This is one must have toy !! Just hope the price gets scanned down a bit..!

muslims in the west a survey

Harris Interactive has carried out an interesting survey and results show some equally interesting trends in the western societies.

What would be more interesting is, if they could provide possible causes behind some of the results. Most of the results are based on peoples perceptions , how are these perceptions formed. Media is one of the most influential factor, second to that would be actual Muslim friends or associates.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Living in a bubble

Actually,,its more like sleeping in it...

But bubbles are like that, once you are in one, doesn't really matter whether you are sleeping or not. Life in a bubble is only a dream... But then again...what exactly is life if not just one big bad bubble gone baloney...

Life is like that, you know its going to end, thats the only certainty about it and it can end pretty much anytime, any second, for all one knows THIS could be one's last breath before the bubble bursts...
And everything inside your little bubble is in a bubble of its own,..anything, anybody and everything can just burst out of your life without any notice, no goodbyes no warning,, pop and its gone...bubbles don't do goodbyes...

Its summer in my little bubble, an uncomfortably warm one...Things get uncomfortably obvious in summers and thats not good. Obvious isn't good, it leaves nothing for imagination, nothing for hope or dreams or nightmares.. Makes the bubble rather bland.