Sunday, May 20, 2007

The insanity...

Interesting line I heard recently:

“Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and expect different results..”

Hm, how true is that ?

Friday, May 11, 2007

the thing about fridays..

Fridays are the harbingers of joy...,, but in themselves they are no joy. Matter of fact they are the unbearable last minutes of a long and dreadful wait that one endures in hope of something so close yet so far...

Friday is like the last sip of the coffee in your mug , that is no longer warm and tastes like acid, dead dry acid, that you drink anyway not because you want to but because its there in your mug and anything that is in the mug must be downed... Else evil thing will come your way,,so Ive been told.., by the coffee mug of course...

They are like the last monkey on your back, that just wont go no matter how hard you try,, not until the clock strikes 5...! I have a theory about this last monkey.. My theory is that all the monkeys that you have been pulling off your back thinking you are rid of them, they all actually just keep merging into one.
And on friday all these hediously stubborn nagging monkeys have merged into the friday monkey, which become a leach on your back... Until, its 5 and pop its gone.. But wait its not really gone,,it takes the weekend to recharge and come monday you find it having succssfuly climbed back on you with all his orignal cousins...

Yes,, not 5 yet..and I am getting paid to write this...not my fault ! I swear.. I got fed an "energy sweet" by a colleague. It promised to wake me up...and behold...awake I am..!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

another one bites the dust...

"I have promises to keep...
and miles to go before I sleep..
and miles to go before I sleep....."

That aside:

9th May 2007, must have been a special day,, Nature came up with a rainbow right outside my window :-)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dieting dilemna

It seems newton was really onto something when he stated his damning law of intertia , which basically means natures likes to keep stuff the way it is... And if you try to change it, it has ways of getting back at you...

Mother nature it appears is very particular about the weight,,and doesn't like people messing with it..

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Disposable days..

There comes a time when days are no more, they are no more because they mean nothing. And anything that has lost its meaning might as well not be there, because it just doesn't matter.

Days are no more when one stops caring about significance of a day, be it birthdays, anniversaries, religious or national holidays... Birthdays become just another date on the calender that means nothing to no one... New years no longer inspire, they longer bring hope, or smiles their only value is in the holiday they bring and the extra hours of sleep you get.

Matter of fact days no longer are on a calender, on your wall or on your desk. Why waste a perfectly neat piece of paper just to show a number !? Days they exist only in digitally disposable small little blips in your wrist watch or your mobile phone or the biggest space they can occupy is on the bottom status bar of your computer screen. They are just tiny re-arrangeable, reusable little digital ones and zeros..
And the only reason you look at them is to check when is your next meeting. Thats pretty much all they are worth...
Desk calenders and wall calenders are nice. It would be nice to tear off a page every morning and look at fresh clean page in front of you, a perfectly new page to write on, a truly new beginning !! you could write anything on it,, anything at all !! You could tear, crumble and throw away the bygone day, with all its misery all its failures and all the disappointments. Gone in the dustbin with one clean tear on the calender,, yes that would be nice,,, but most of us don't have a desk calender... we wouldn't know what to write on it, even if we did have one...

So whats happened to all the days !? Where have they gone !? Why do they no longer matter ? I fear its because there are no more dreams left... There may be some wishes but no more dreams. Its the dreams that give meaning and hope to every day, every birthday becomes meaningful, every new year brings a fresh promise,,but without a dream they might as well not be there. They go uncared for, unnoticed and un-waited for..

And where did all the dreams go ? The problem with dreams is they are all tied one to the other, they are like intricate web of veins that supply blood to the heart... if one is cut rest don't know what to do, even if they do, it doesn't matter because the heart dies anyway..

They are like a flock of high flying colorful birds, gliding on the clouds like happy polka dots..
But if one gets shot, all of them loose sense of direction and scatter in the wind... leaving nothing behind..absolutely empty sky void of any direction any movement, any cheer.. And life becomes like that incredibly surreal picture of a stranded still boat under a clear yet still sky and even stiller water... A boat that is going nowhere...

Its only fitting that these are long days with incredibly short nights, nights are for dreams, how would one fit all those hours without any dreams. Its good, that nights are short,, very short... here in the land of the midnight sun.

Run away

We all are either running away or wishing to run away from something... At least thats my perception or lack of it...

Sometimes if nothing else, one wants to and often needs to run away from ones own self. Which actually is the most difficult of escapes to make. But the rewards are proportionally exhilarating..

There is something almost romantic about the whole running away business. The running away is always to reach a dream or escape a nightmare...

I bet some day some wise guy will make a profit out of it too.. Maybe like the best shoes to run away in ! Or the runaway T-shirts, other accessories would be equally charming... Or how about a runway cola !?
Or a runaway tour package...haa...maybe I should go into that business...!

But here is the catch.. no one actually ever got anywhere worth getting by running away,,...the brave would prefer to fight it out.. unfortunately the brave usually die young, or lonely crippled and poor.
One really needs to know when to give up and runaway,,.when is the right time to give up.. and pack your bag of dreams and follow the rainbow..?
Or is giving up always a bad idea ? Does a person who runs away has lesser self respect than the one who stays ? Does giving up actually needs more courage than sticking to your guns ?
There is always the risk that the longer you stay the harder it becomes to run away... Issues never end, they chain your feet like sucking tentacles of million legged giant squid, hell bent on sucking you and your life out...
Then the risks are not always entirely your own...your dreams may land others in a nightmare.. . This is where the urge to run away comes face to face with its nemesis,, the self verses the group.

Hmm,, yes its sunday and my coffee mug is empty,.. there is nothing on TV, the weather is crappy and running away sounds like an exciting idea..only if I could figure out where to...