Saturday, September 08, 2007

How ironic...

Saudi government has sent a prince form its unendingly depressingly boring list of pompus princes to Paris to increase tourism and promote the ancient Nabataen city of Madain Saleh, in Saudi Arabia.

They want it nominated as a world heritage site. Thats fine...why not...if its history it should be preserved.. and YET at the same time they have and are destroying countless historic sites, of historic and religious nature, they are literally bulldozing them such that even the foundations do not remain.

The most horrifying of these destructions is that of the birth place of prophet Mohammad PBUH. Who can imagine that a government that calls itself the "custodian of holy sites" would itself be destroying them..!!!

Such are the twisted narrow minds of this double faced evil tyranny of al Saud.

Biking lesson one revisited..

I recently got reminded of the first commandment of biking.

Which is "thou shall keep thy mouth shut", specially when biking around with nature too close for comfort.

Biking Lesson revisited.

Keep your mouth shut at all times unless you are looking for some all-natural, all fresh, all-free instant proteins... to land in your mouth.

yyyyyuuuuukkkkk...!! gaaaaaaaaahhhhh...!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

fancy some cat custard !?

Interesting ,,and why not..after all ,, we are humans.. aren't we...!!!

Just one teeny weeny detail, if this news had come out of the orient, China, or somewhere,, the press would have been shouting bloody murder..! and human rights and cat rights and dog rights activists would be up in arms...

But hay,, when the same cute fury thing is served on an Aussie dinner table its such a wonderful, tasty and practical idea..! I guess next time the wild dog population explodes down under, then man's best friend will inevitably become man's best meatball...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

feel the force....or ahhh,, ummm..,,

This dude sure has issues with the force....!

The force is definitely screwed with him :-)

the virgin chicken

Chinese official are said to be running around with sherlock Holmes type magnifying glass in one hand and a dictionary in the other, in the fair Beijing town to nab and grab scrupulous menus.

Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is all about, I for one would be delighted to have a "virgin chick" on my menu ;-) God knows there aren't many of those around ! If Chinese restaurants can get some for dusty travelers then, amen brother!! The starving man-kind deserves it!! when is the next flight to Beijing ???

But I am not particularly sure why would anyone want to eat a "burnt lion's head" !!?? Must be one really pissed off dude who would go for that !

However when forced into taking your boss or your x out for a dinner,then what could be better than getting them a juicy plate of "steamed crap"