Saturday, September 01, 2007

the virgin chicken

Chinese official are said to be running around with sherlock Holmes type magnifying glass in one hand and a dictionary in the other, in the fair Beijing town to nab and grab scrupulous menus.

Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is all about, I for one would be delighted to have a "virgin chick" on my menu ;-) God knows there aren't many of those around ! If Chinese restaurants can get some for dusty travelers then, amen brother!! The starving man-kind deserves it!! when is the next flight to Beijing ???

But I am not particularly sure why would anyone want to eat a "burnt lion's head" !!?? Must be one really pissed off dude who would go for that !

However when forced into taking your boss or your x out for a dinner,then what could be better than getting them a juicy plate of "steamed crap"

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