This has been an interesting weekend... on many fronts..
One realizes ones own idiosyncrasies and how common one really is. Its bizarre that while being fully aware that this is a planet brimming with over 6 billion human souls, one keeps imagining oneself "different" and "special" in one way or another. Most of the time this self glorification and self delusion is at an unconscious level.
As engineers we study design patterns, the whole idea of which is the realization that what you are thinking now is nothing new, many others have most probably already thought of it, the problems that you are facing are nothing magical, and extraordinary,...they have and are happening to millions of others. So you ought not to try reinventing the wheel...
The point is there is nothing special about you... You are so totally ordinary that its not even worth explaining it to you,, or me..or anyone... But we wont believe it,,..we need,,, to not believe it, its a kind of denial system, hard wired in our very core.
Okay now Ive totally strayed, what I was going to write, was about why we write,... and apparently Ive landed on a very different planet... hmm... and it doesn't even have green furry pointy eared folks,, its rather plain ,,sooo barren and totally common...
I'll blast off ,,but first lets first post my flag on this so common place, a symbol of my glory. A tribute to my ignorance.
I've invited a few friends over for dinner and cant feed them on blogs... I am thinking chapli kabab,, perhaps with enough chilli to to keep them from a second serving :) But that is a funny name,, chapli kabab, it means "shoe kabab" haa!! I bet therez a bit of history behind that !!!