Tuesday, April 04, 2006

packing order

Coffee breaks are a fun !

Its usually that time of the day when you really should be doing something, and there is nothing better than not doing what you should be doing and not doing it exactly when you should be doing it.

Todays coffee talk revealed a startling fact to me. Which is that in the dog world, the female dog runs the show. The she-dog is on top of the packing order, it is she who makes the rules and decides who gets what . This coffee jewel was revealed to me by Jarmo and Marko, both have bitches.

I couldn't believe it ,,..I thought the packing order is determined on basis of physical strength so is a female dog actually physically stronger than the male?, I asked.
No came the reply. I scratched my head to brush some dandruff off hoping that might recharge some now very grey matter in there.. and then looked at Marko.
It didnt help.
I scratched some more and looked hard at Jarmo, hoping to "get" it. I remained clueless..

Then Jarmo told me, it was his girl friend who had made him get and keep the dog.

All of a sudden, there was light....

Its no different in the man's-world either ....

An interesting article on the subject

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