Saturday, December 23, 2006
The horror scope...!
luckily..I dont have to do that.. me,, only time I go shopping is, when I am starving..ok,, usually a bit before that..
So with everyone else busy getting rid of their money..I decided.. to look into the stars...and see if they've got something to say...and herez what they told me:
"You are practical and persistent. You have dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddam Nazi."
I would like to beleive that...but frankly,,its a load of crap...except for the bullheaded nazi part ;-)
I should show this to my boss ,,, on second thought....maybe not .
Others were even better..
My favourit one was:
You are sympathetic and understanding to other people's problems which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.
Haaa..! I am already in love with these cancer folks...!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Of Dreams and Demons.
One tends to fuss a lot over ones dreams and pays not enough attention to the demons. The problem is unless and untill you sort out your demons, your dreams remain just that...dreams...
Which is sad indeed...,,because most of our lives are spent chasing our dreams, and the reason why the more we run towards them the more they move away,,,are our demons,, that keep pushing the dreams away while we run towards them.
While being perhaps the reason why we live, our dreams are also the reason why we actually dont....
Each day that we spend running towards tommorow, we miss the today. Untill the today becomes yesterday and we wish it were yesterday again, which it can never be. Such is the irony of life.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
...its view has changed but it remains as curious as ever...
The stay put front view:

...the orthodox right side, takes nowhere really....

and the fashionable left:
taking this side leads to the city centre, the keskustori

Today is the independence day of Finland. Notice the flags....

Friday, December 01, 2006
Getting stuck at airport, as anyone whose been through it, will testify is a nightmare.
Here I am, stuck at stanstead airport for the whole night for no fault of mine.
The karachi-london flight delayed by two hours, and caused me to miss my london-tampere flight by 10 minutes. The smug looking guy at RyanAir check told me they had closed check-in 10 minutes ago..Dont you just hate that,, I mean I would probably not feel that bad had I missed it by an hour or so,,but missing a flight by a few minutes,,...that hits under the belt....
So the next flight is after 12 hours,.lets try killing it..
There is a huge,towering christmas tree right smack in front of me, fully loaded with the stars, moons, and all that jazz...
No one seems to be in a celebatory mode here right now though, none actually wants to be here, we are all just stuck..Poor thing, must be feeling really out of place...
I can never get myself to relax or sleep at airports, its as if my entire sleep system rebels against it.. I envy those who can. I think they are damn lucky bastards..
An african lady with kids just shouted at her kids telling them not to touch the tree... The accent, its very interesting, most africans speak english with that accent. You can make out every word. Funny how after retreating back into their little british isles, the english still rule the former colonies..
Dont mind me, I am just rambling, its only 21:01 and I have another 8 hours to kill.. My note books battery says 22%,ok now its 21%..meaning 27 minutes...Hmm,, now where can I find a power socket to plug my pc in...One that will allow the non british plugs..
Come to think of it, why do the brits do that..! Live in their own fancy world....the right hand drive, funny three pin sockets, the stones for weight.. Come on guys...lifes already too misreable and complicated for a poor transit rat stuck in your airports,,why dont u give em a break..!!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I kiss you...!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006
T minus 15 days and counting..
So before we jump, thought it might be a good idea to keep a log of the last 15 days.
Starting with today:
Woke up, which was as always a bad idea.,,,,, looked out my window, it was painfully left without my armour, aka the jacket.
Come midday, and I find myself walking miserably half shivering in cold blooded rain,...
After 7 years in the land of the midnight sun, the-not-exactly-bold and the-definitly-very-blonds, I still keep finding myself on the wrong side of both the blonds and the nature...
Speaking of which,, Pia walks in my office, ostensibly to do something on the other machine, twice, I say hi without looking up to see her. Third time she comes in, stops in the middle, and says "hay look !".. waves her hair bats her eyelids, and adds "Ive colored my hair blonde..!"
Hmm, so she had...
... Needless to say,,yes shez a true blonde at heart..
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
so thats why they stare....
If women can see things in your face then,,thats not good..thats not good at all....!!!
So the next time I see a gal I fancy I should start coochy cooching the kid closest to me thank you... !!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Happpy Birthday.....!!!
Happy Birthday to me..
Happy Birthday dear me..!!!
Happy Birthday to me ........!!!!
do dee da daa daa doo doo..!!!
Today, the first person to notice its my birthday was the lady at the bank who was looking up my account details and said.."oh,, its your birthday today.!"
Also today, I tore out a no longer connected page from my book. I did it while sitting in a bank while my credit ceiling was being raised, now thats both funny and ironic, say the least.
Anyway happy to you !
Sunday, April 30, 2006
its official....
The good news is, I am not alone :-) everyone else in my age group is also unhappy ! yeeaahh..!! Thats certainly something to cheer about ;-)
Apparently my unhappiness is very umm..expected, and I might as well just go back and sink in my sofa and drink another mug full of unhappiness. Ironically my favourite or ummm.. ok the second most favourite mug has a big smily pasted on it saying "dont worry be happy"... ofcourse why not..
But rest assured there is light at the end of the tunnel,, literally at the end...
All I have to do is just wait till I turn 50 and voila..!! Id be happy again !!! swell... cant I pull a rip van winkle, till I turn 50 ???
Oh and by the way, one book I am reeeeally ,,reallly planning/hoping/praying to read.. is "The Orientalist" . It definitly sounds like something to dig in...
And while on the subject of orientalists... heres an interesting orientalist
And even more interesting what wikipedia has to say about the actual meaning and connotations of the term orientalist.
While still on the subject of orientalists,, here is another gem that google spewed out.
The anti-orientalist. Thank you google ! I shall happily accept this as my next birthday present. .. Everyday I learn more and more how ignorant I am...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I hear you Laila !!!
And it burns,, bad that I can no longer hear nothing else, see nothing else, and feel nothing else.
I am not a palestenian, not even an arab, but when I hear what I hear, and I see what I see..I want to stand up and shout I AM a Palestenian. !!! My country and my people are under occupation, it is being systamatically eaten up and my impotance an inability to do anything about it burns me...
I have had discussions with well educated people, not knowing two pennys worth of history or facts about the issue at hand and yet having opinions and conclusions pasted all over their faces.
Their ignorance of what they really are supporting and what they are opposing is outrageous...
But I hear you Laila, I hear you loud and clear, I shall shout what I have heard,, shout it out so loud that the deaf shall hear ..shall finally hear what I hear, and see what I see...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
move on...
Good advice surely it is, but should be uttered only by those very few who actually have done that. Otherwise it stinks of a condescendingly arrogant attitute.
Take the case of the Rawanda genocide.
A truly moving personal story. A nightmare to have to live through every day. How do you tell a person like this to move on ? You cant, because you simply dont know what you are talking about... You have never experienced the hell that this person has been through.
The best thing to do is to try to make that person's today happy. Try to put a smile on his/r face and maybe it will help. Giving advice to move on,,,haaa ! easy for you to say...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
make yr move, set me free...
For better or for worse,,,...
It was unplanned, I was going to wait a week more, but it slipped out.. I blame it on the stars, they forced my hand, I might have even overplayed a bit but now its done.
The ball has been set rolling, there is no turning back now. For better or for worse... let the game begin....
packing order
Its usually that time of the day when you really should be doing something, and there is nothing better than not doing what you should be doing and not doing it exactly when you should be doing it.
Todays coffee talk revealed a startling fact to me. Which is that in the dog world, the female dog runs the show. The she-dog is on top of the packing order, it is she who makes the rules and decides who gets what . This coffee jewel was revealed to me by Jarmo and Marko, both have bitches.
I couldn't believe it ,,..I thought the packing order is determined on basis of physical strength so is a female dog actually physically stronger than the male?, I asked.
No came the reply. I scratched my head to brush some dandruff off hoping that might recharge some now very grey matter in there.. and then looked at Marko.
It didnt help.
I scratched some more and looked hard at Jarmo, hoping to "get" it. I remained clueless..
Then Jarmo told me, it was his girl friend who had made him get and keep the dog.
All of a sudden, there was light....
Its no different in the man's-world either ....
An interesting article on the subject
Monday, April 03, 2006
Ice Creaaaammmmm !!!!
Hmm,,thats not my phone, it cant be my computer either, as far as I know computers dont go do-da-ding-do on their own...Lets see, its getting closer ,,sounds like its in my room..hmm. Could it be !?? Could it possibly be !!?? Wondering I look out my window, and surely enough there it was, the ice cream van !!! haaayyyy..!! yiiipppyyy....ah, but wait a minute, I am not 10 anymore, am closing in fast on my 34th year... But what the heck..!!! its there...!!!! oh that universal ice-cream-van tune !!! No matter which country you go, that tune you can recognize from miles.
But so funny to see it here, and to hear it 8 floors up in my building ! and to top it all..its bloody snowing outside Been snowing almost all day! ..!! haa ! imagine that !! an ice cream van, selling ice-cream in the snow..and that too at this odd hour, its 8:30 pm ! Cant beat that..!! Darn its only about 20 years late,,wish it were yesterday,,20 years ago..Id just run down, jump from the window if I could...and get me one !!!
But today, I just smiled...
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Its amazing,,totally mind boggling. She has got a degree in Physics, and working on another one in CS but her mind still is so closed.! How do people manage to pile up degrees and still have such narrow views on life, world, people, society and the rest.
Recently she started this talk about Israel and on knowing that I held views different from hers she immediately started trying to prove how wrong I am !
When I asked her specific questions, to my utmost surprise she knew nothing about the history or the issues surrounding the subject(this she herself confessed to as she had no answers to the questions I asked) and yet she was so sure of how right she is !! Amazing !
And she is not the only one, I am sure you can find atleast one like her in every square meter of this planet !!
Particularly of shock to me, was her almost "belief" in the news , the news she gets from BBC and the rest of western media.! She is of the view that I am "brain washed" from the news and views that I have been exposed to while growing up, and all the news broadcasted in my part of the world is of course just plain false propaganda.
I guess she also believes that the media and news that she has been and (is)exposed to while growing up was and is naturally the virign truth...
I am not claiming that western media spreads false reports. No, in this global village,that could never work. But often the news stories are one sided, or worded such as to create a given impression and enforce it. But many people like Pia, are blind to this.
Most people in the west seem to have this superiority complex, some express it rather openly and others wont admit, they might not even be aware of it,but they atleast unconciously or subconsciously consider themselves intellectually and culturally superior.
Fascinating...! the more the things have changed,,the more they have remained the same....
creationists vs evolutionists
The instant the topic evolved out of the sizzling steak, I knew it, ..I should have just shouted "42!" >>whats 42<< and ended it there...but my lunch was too greasy to stop anything...
The Indian was a full swing creationist, the Russian and Fin supporting the theory of natural selection and the Pakistani accepting the evolution with exception of humans.
An interesting mix it turned out to be. Specially since a Russian is to a Finn what an Indian is to a Pakistani or the other way round.. But when idealogies and theologies are discussed the borders tend to move up and be drawn on the metaphysical and spiritual lands.
The problem with the creationists or the hard core ones is that they refuse to accept the ground reality, the known facts. On the other hand the evolutionists tend to indulge in arrogance by extrapolating their limited knowledge which is accquired from limited senses, known for only a limited domain over the entire grand-architecture.
The discussion was all the more fascinating when done in the context of architectural system design.
The basic principle of "where there is somke, there is fire" must never be overlooked when studying a system. Unfortunately evolutionists and creationists both tend to miss that by miles...
I for one am forever fasicnated specially with the plant kingdom. The plants do not have a nervous system or intelligence mechanism like animals, that give them a perception of their surroundings, yet they are aware of what colors to make their flowers, what fragrance to put in them, what taste to put in their fruit to be attractive to animals.
"Subtal is the Lord" said enistine, and a good point he had there. The devil is in the details they say,,but I would amend that to "the God is in the details"
One cant just make assumptions about the unknown and stamp them as facts. The best thing to do would be to accept that there is lot we do not understand and hence the process of discovery continues..
Refusing to accept exsistance of what we do not understand is stupidity at best and arrogant misleading at worst.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The vegetarian
Laying there in the middle of the dinner table was a glorious full fledge devinely roasted chicken. She laid there with her juicy legs and oh such a smooth golden shiny body oblivious of the madness it was causing. Steam rose from it seducing everyone around to the point of no return.
A heavenly beauty, dressed in...umm heavenly roasted crunchy skin :D, a head turner if ever there was one...
I even thought she gave me a mischevious smile and a wink.. but that must have been my imagination, specially since she really didnt have a head :-o And I tend to get visions like that a lot whenever I am in close proximity of a she-form :-)
None could wait any longer, shinning forks and knives rose up catching a glint of light just before they dived and dug in the angel. Tearing, pulling, cutting, slicing, some grabbed the legs, some got the chest, others had to make do with the wings.
While this frenzy was going on, there in corner sat Henry eating chick peas !!!
Heresy!!, blasphamey..!!! bloody murder I said.. You dare insult the godess of dinner table by refusing to dig your teeth in her !
Henry just split another chick pea and said, "oh Ive given up meat. I am a vegetarian now."
Disbelief !!! Horror !!"..what..!!? How could you ? ,,but why..!?" came the shocked queries.
"I am doing it as a matter of principal. I respect life and think humans should respect other living creatures and not go around looking at them as food."
Philosophy..and so much of it...none of us could digest that..our stomaches were too busy dealing with the chicken at the moment..
Once the chicken had been sent to chicken heaven, and all that was left of its mortal remains were its sparkling clean bones. Sleeves were rolled back up and focus was set squarely on Henry.
"So you are saying plant arent living things ? "
"no,,.they are but they dont have blood"...replied Henry..
"what ?? no blood..!?? so you are saying its ok to eat cockroaches :-o !??"
Henry hadnt thought of that...and I realized I might have added another item on his edible life forms list.
"Well you have to draw a line somewhere, we humans have intelligence we dont need to eat other animals,we can live without eating them." bounced back Henry.
"hahh..maybe u can Henry..but not me !!"
This is just how the nature has designed the system, the vege way sound unnatural....
Ok there are those who do it out of their religious believes, I wont go there... But those who do it out of philosophy... I dont get it..
I just dont get it..why do ppl. become vegetarian..I guess in an ideal vege-world, a vege would like to see everyone growing his own food. Imagine a world where ppl. would walk out of the office in lunch hour and just go stand in the sun, as their bodies start generating food internally, and perhpas the manager would come pour a lil water on their heads from time to time, just to speed up the photosynthesis. !
That what you vege guys really want !?? Imagine a lion coming out of his den, and going standing in the water, as his ears do photosynthesis. oh yummy..says the lion...this sunlight is soo tasty today..!!!
Well you vege. folks go on do your photosynthesis, and leave me with my juicy steaks ...
Saturday, February 25, 2006
The man and his goat.
Curious indeed ..!!
According to a BBC report:
"A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal...."
This raises some very curious questions...
Did anyone actually bother asking the goat if she, assuming its a she-goat, whether she agreed to become the mans wife ??? This is a gross violation of the goats basic rights !
On the other hand I am all praise for the "liberal", ( that so curiously used word..) Sudanese folks.! While the europeans are still struggling with the same sex mairrages , there in Sudan, folks are soo much more open minded that they allow even,,,umm different species mairrages ! Europeans can surely learn a lesson or two from this, as the road they have chosen will eventually take them to this village in Sudan.
I mean, since it has been declared that a persons sexual orientation is a matter between him/her and his/her mate, and the society has got no business "judging" anyone on the basis of their sexual preferences. If thats the core logic then whats wrong with a man marrying a goat..haun !!?? Thats plainly a matter between the man and the goat !
In a related story it has been rumored that the man decided to go on honeymoon to Denmark with his goat, I mean wife. However he was stopped at Coopenhagen airport and told that he cant really have his honeymoon in Denmark.
"Why !!" asked the enraged man ?? and
"BBBAAAAAAAA ..!"said the equally furious goat.
"I heard Denmark was such a free country.. and freedom of expression is the holiest goat here ! Why cant I then just go around walking in Coopenhagen streets and express myself freely with my goat" protested the puzzled man.
"No,no no,, you got it wrong , you can only express yourself freely as far as the God or the prophets are concerned. Goats have rights here and people will be offended to see you getting too expressive with your goat." Then the Danish immigration guy sniffed some perfectly legal crack, to exhibit the correct type of freedome of expression in Denmark, and politely offered some to the goat.
The goat declined saying it was boycotting all Danish products and dropped a load of shit, to express herself freely to the Dane.